This mushroom soup has earthy and creamy flavor. Using a variety of wild mushrooms creates interesting flavors and textures. Serving this soup on special...
Simple, but delicious. Great served with a salad and a loaf of peasant bread. It is best to have everything prepared before you begin. Cook over medium...
For vegetarian soups, stews, and other dishes, such as risotto, vegetable stock is a flavorful alternative to water or meat-based stocks. You can vary...
Most French onion soup recipes call for beef stock, but substituting mushroom broth instead creates a surprisingly rich soup, full on flavor - without...
This is a good hearty soup that is delicious served over rice. An all time favorite of my husband's. This soup gets very thick the next day, so you might...
This German soup with cabbage, potatoes, tomato, and dill may be made with either chicken or beef. Finished with dill, and great with a dollop of sour...
This is a wonderful minestrone soup that 's filled with tons of vegetables. Feel free to add different vegetables or ingredients. Serve with grated Parmesan...
A black bean puree is mixed with chunky sweet potatoes and kissed with some lime at the end. A mixture of Mexican flavors that will have you coming back...
This Pureed Butternut Squash Soup has pureed butternut squash along with onions, ginger, and garlic for a smooth, creamy texture. Whip up this soup recipe...
This cosmopolitan take on that other classic is dressed up with hearty pancetta, musky fresh oregano, and an innovative Marsala-spiked broth, adding elegance...
A hearty soup, great for a cold, blustery March day--or any day! My husband Tom developed this recipe and got it just right on the second try. Best if...
My husband requested a gazpacho and it was great to use what I had just picked from my friends' garden. We just love living at the lake during the summer...
My Grandmother had eight children. Needless to say she learned how to cook with a little bit of nothing and make do with what she had. This was and still...
This crowd pleaser is very versatile. Use any combination of beans you like, even corn. It can be cooked on the stove. Serve with cheese and tortilla chips...
This recipe is derived from my grandmother's potato soup recipe. I've changed it up a bit to give it a little kick. The chorizo is a fantastic addition...
A refreshing cool and creamy soup made with mango. You may add blueberries or sliced strawberries as a garnish when in season. Fat free sour cream may...
Here's a recipe for a Mexican-style soup that uses lots of beans combined with fresh chicken. The taco seasoning and green chiles make this one spicy -...
A flavorful sweet-and-sour cabbage soup. Years ago a local restaurant served a cabbage apple soup that I've been trying to recreate. This is my best attempt,...